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In this sonification of the 3-dimensional Ising model, which originates from the SBE-workshop, we use random averaged spin blocks. Their pitch, noisiness and (with the according equipment) their spatial location describe the system and lead to a gestalt of it. The different characteristics of IsingHot, IsingCritical and IsingCold may easily be distinguished.
At the critical temperature, noise, high and low pitched tones are equally frequent.
One spin orientation prevails.
NoiseA gives the audification of a 3-state Potts model at thermal noise (coupling J = 0.4).
NoiseB gives thermal noise for the 5-state Potts model (coupling J = 0.4), evidently the sound becomes smoother the more states are possible, but its overall character stays the same. (Please ignore random clicks stemming from the buffering.)
Critical behaviour: this example was recorded with a 4-state Potts model at and near the critical temperature. Near the critical point clusters emerge. These are rather big but rather homogeneous, (J = 0.95)hence a regularity is still perceivable.
At the critical point itself, clusters of all orders of magnitude emerge, thus the sound is much more unstable and less pleasant. (J = 1.05)
As soon as the system is equilibrated in the subcritical domain (at low temperature), one spin parity predominates, and only few random spin flips occur due to thermal fluctuations. This was recorded with the Ising model at J = 1.3.
In an audification with pre-recorded data the phase transition of a 4-state Potts model was compared to the 5-state Potts model. The difference was not as big as expected, which is partly due to the data (in a finite lattice, the mean magnetization can never be a discontinuous function.) Partly, also the spin parities compensate each other at the critical point, where one parity starts to prevail. Still, the FirstOrderTransition in the 5-state Potts model exhibits a slightly more sudden change than the ContinousTransition. Remind that the sound is overall rougher in the 4-state model.
(See above)
ChannelSonification-Ising (2 states)
Audification of each spin state separately in different channels (stereo). The transition is continuous.
ChannelSonification-Potts (4 states)
A 4-state Potts model exhibits still a continuous phase transition. The 4 channels are mapped here to stereo (4 virtual sound sources; due to the high correlation of the data the sources cannot really be distinct, but the overall impression is still different.)
ChannelSonification-Potts (5 states)
A 5-state Potts model has a sudden phase transition of 1st order.
ChannelSonification-Potts (8 states)
In the 8-state Potts model the difference in the transition is more distinct.

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