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Sound Examples

Team A focused on alpha rhythm examples.

The first thing we tried was straightforward audification, taking thee time series of 2 channels (O1, O2), and speeding up by a factor of ten; so an 8-13 Hz alpha rhythm should be noticeable as activity between 80-130 Hz.

With file GB: Sound example 1

With file MLT: Sound example 2

This sounds mainly like noise, so it was not very interesting.

Next, simple triggering on the waveform maxima, to perceive the rhythm and its possible synchronisation better:

Sound example 3

Sound example 4

This approach would need refinement, such as control from overal amplitude, and bandpass filtering.

Extras: In the plenary discussion, two suggestions came up:

to sharpen the amplitude peaks of the audified signal by autocorrelation at 10 Hz, so we tried that quickly:

Sound example 5

Sound example 6

and sharpening the peaks by exponentiation, tried here:

Sound example 7

Sound example 8


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