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Session notes

Notes taken during the session.


  1. Use topography, e.g.

    North-South as axis to go along, West-East as left/right panning

  2. How to do importance weighting?

    by population - to amplitude? -> no, that occludes others, best to duration.

    first data value to display: wealth , i.e. GDP_per_person

  3. How to roganize playing in time?

    a) One country-> one event, i.e. go over (sorted) lists?

    b) Interactive ? i.e. query countries individually?

    c) one country is center, others by proximity?

    d) regions by speakers -> installation mode; time as the interaction variable.

    e) select subgroups by one variable; e.g. only play the poorest 20% of a region, or the middle, or the top 20% (a sliding selection window).


Intentionally go slow, show and test every change of code

Weighting of population by duration

Groups by region,


What Next?

  • use mapped population weight for duration and waittime (1 min) * interactive selection by one variable is (half an hour)
  • better sound, more dimensions


  • interaction is important and is realized here by the way that the listener can move
  • regional comparisons are possible
  • more tuning necessary

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