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Session notes

Notes taken during the session.

Initial Ideas

Each country as a discrete sonic event - beacon defined by the dimension we choose

Metaphor discussion: * population/area/mass to loudness

  • key features variables to pitch/brightness
  • geographical information - triggering the sound events

Different sorting mechanisms (south/north, all dimensions

Choosing the dimensions:

  • female life expectancy - decay time / duration
  • fertility rate - density, richness of the sound events
  • illiteracy - brightness, precise thought
  • more maybe

Lengths of the events - 1min overall

Problem of metaphors: depend on the view of the domain. Danger that metaphors imply commonsense but naive or biased views. E.g. illiteracy might not give any information about intelligence.


starting with simple sound - sinus grain for sound event

playing with grain envelopes / density / sustain

terminology: signature contains grains and represents one country

each grain might have a sweep inside (modulating the frequency in the grains)

order latitude

problems with treating the nils (i.e. missing values in the data)


  • fertility - grain count
  • life expectancy - signature duration
  • illiteracy - sweep ratio in grains
  • access to drinking water - pitch


What Next?

more dimensions in the grains


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